Saturday, April 26, 2014

A look inside my ZPalettes! and my other eye palettes

WOAH WOAH WOAH what the heck happened? I stopped blogging but I definitely did not stop buying makeup. My makeup collection is getting so large i outgrew the bathroom and I bought a dressing table from IKEA to hold it all in! I can do a post about makeup storage another time.

But today... eye palettes! I love them. You love them. We all love them! Ever since the first Naked palette (which I do not have, I don't really like it) it is a new staple in every makeup brand collection and makeup collector.

There are so many out there it is sometimes hard to decide which one to buy and if you really need that one that's from a different brand but you really have one just the same in another brand. I have a problem and I decide, "Yes! I need it. It's a little different." You get the best of both worlds with a ZPalette though! You can buy the little individual pans and make your own or you can depot all of your bulky eye palettes to create one super palette. I have both. I am working on making my own and I have a super palette hehe.

Here is my super palette (I think I just created term I foresee myself using regularly)

Super fun right?
(This is the large ZPalette.) In my super palette there is my Too Faced Joy to the Girls palette, Too Faced Boudoir Eyes, Too Faced Romantic Eyes, a tiny Lancome palette I got a couple years ago, and one single Laura Mercier of the color African Violet (in my last post I think I made it clear how much I love this color. Guess what? Still do!
Depotting all of these, at first, was a NIGHTMARE. But then I got creative. I'm a teacher and I love crafts and I happen to have a heat gun. HELLOOOOO. Why didn't I use this to begin with? It makes depotting crazy easy.
I tried to organize it in colors the best I could... I think it works and I love it. The only thing I don't like is how I don't know the colors of the shadows. I know a couple of my faves, but I think I'll get over it. :)

Here is my next ZPalette. This one is not as fun. It is a work in progress but there are four MAC Shadows and one MAC blush.

This is also a large sized ZPalette but I only have this little corner being used right now. So boring right? It makes me want to go out and buy some shadows to put in it. I wish I knew the color of those purples! But I have the magnet on the bottom of them so I cant read the names. womp. 

Interesting fact. One of my least favorite colors in the world is purple. But it just so happens to be my favorite color to put on my eyes. STRANGE.

So those are my ZPalettes! I love them and i highly recommend them! They are great if you want specific colors; you can organize them how you want i.e. mattes, shimmers, neutrals, brights. You know...

I was going to go over other eye palettes (what I like, dislike, do you need it?) but I assume you know all of them anyways. I am not reviewing them so I guess I can just list them. (That would be a good post for another time, too!)
Naked Basics
Naked 2
Naked 3
Laura Mercier Artists Palette for Eyes (Fall 2013)
Smashbox Full Exposure
Too Faced Chocolate Bar

(I love these palettes how they are so I don't find the need to depot and put in a ZPalette, but if that's your cup of tea go for it!)

Like hello do I need more eye palettes?
If they come out with a good one, I need it.

What are some of your favorite eye palettes? Do you have a strange addiction like me? Let me know!

Until next time! xoxo

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